Rival Sony in the portable gaming has taken a different strategy, so he is still on the market next month, is optimistic about the 3DS portable game consoles.
Sony PlayStation Portable on Thursday released a new generation of consoles NGP, while Iwata is in response to the product when the impact of Nintendo, made the remarks.
"We are more concerned about attracting a wider audience novice as well as play games. We will not because the other company's strategy to change that." Iwata said.
3DS handheld Nintendo will be February 26 on sale in
Sony promises, NGP's visual effects will be comparable to PlayStation 3 home console. But the NGP does not provide 3D effects, and this is expected to become competitive in the future the two sides of a decisive factor.
Sony has not announced the price of NGP. While Sony says the product will be available later this year, but did not disclose the specific date and region.
Nintendo on Thursday announced the results show that in April last year to 12 month period, the company's profit fell 74% year on year due to appreciation of the yen and the Wii sales slowdown. Sony will report earnings next week.
Yan Tian Congcheng considered, Wii sales momentum has been lost. But he stressed that Nintendo's market share in most areas is still ahead of Sony and Microsoft.
Nintendo DS portable game console sold worldwide has now reached 145 million units, far higher than the Sony PSP's 64,000,000 units. Although Microsoft launched the Xbox 360, but not produced portable gaming device. All game makers are faced with the challenges of iPhone and other smart phones. In addition, users can also gradually began to use the iPod and play games and other products iPad.
Iwata said he 3DS 3D technology used in very confident, Nintendo developed the technology for several years, but the final results will be the consumer to decide. He admitted that last month, called the iPad "large iPod Touch" angered a lot of people after, so he was more cautious comments NGP.
"It is clearly different from the way we try to attract users. But I realized that I did not talk about my first impression." He commented on the NGP.