March 24 morning, according to sources, Motorola is developing its own Web-based operating system. Motorola is aggressively recruiting for this, from Apple laptop battery and Adobe and other companies to recruit professionals.
Currently the field of mobile operating systems have RIM (RIM OS), Hewlett-Packard (webOS), Apple (iOS), Microsoft (WP7) and Google (Android) and other operating systems. Including RIM, HP and Apple's operating system for its own equipment, while Microsoft and Google's mobile operating system is licensed to the various equipment partners.
Deutsche Bank analyst Jonathan in San Francisco Gothic Berg (Jonathan Goldberg) said Motorola ongoing research in this area, their products are more differentiated, more choices. He pointed out that relying solely on one supplier is not a permanent solution.
It is not clear the launch of Motorola's mobile operating system, time, and current R & D progress.
From: laptop doctor http://www.batterydoctor.info/