
Microsoft Internet Explorer will not be introduced in Asia


March 15 International Opera reported a complaint to the European Commission monopoly of Microsoft's browser market, but said it would not in the Asia Pacific region to take similar action. Mozilla Foundation's Open Choice (Open to Choice) movement does not intend to promote in a big way in Asia.

Opera spokesman said that while, as the European Committee for Interoperable Systems (ECIS) members, but the Opera has not yet decided for the "Browser options" problem in the Asia Pacific region to lobby. ECIS issued a statement urging the world's anti-monopoly agencies in the countries to implement browser options (Browser Choice) Laptop Battery.

Mozilla is pushing the "open choice" campaign to enhance the European users awareness of the browser of choice. Mozilla Asia Business Development Director Gen Kanai said that the campaign will focus on the European Union area, but did not rule out the implementation of the future in the Asia Pacific region.

Mike Davis, senior analyst at Ovum believes that the Asia-Pacific region, Microsoft is unlikely to be required to implement the browser choice, because here there is no such single agency such as the European Commission can ensure the formation of a single market across national boundaries.

However, Davis said that individual countries may decide to take unilateral action, especially in Australia are most likely.

ECIS legal counsel and spokesman Thomas Vinje said in a telephone interview, fair competition in the Asia-Pacific countries could be promoted on their own in their browser choice.

Including Korea, China, Japan and other countries have a fair competition authorities, while the ECIS will be invited to assist in legal analysis of these institutions.

ECIS around the world for the promotion of your browser choice, a Microsoft spokesperson by e-mail said: "The company is committed to resolving the European Commission in the European Economic Area (EEA) competition law concerns, but also committed to complying with other jurisdictions in the world of laws and regulations, and sometimes inconsistent laws and regulations throughout. "

In 2007, Opera to the European Commission a complaint against Microsoft laptop battery, the Internet Explorer browser bundled with the Windows operating system, involving the abuse of market dominance. After years of litigation, the European Union to accept Microsoft's settlement proposal, that is, through the browser options screen (ballot screen), provide the user the option other than IE.

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