
Inventory of Twitter’s Top Ten Best points in 2010

2010, Twitter has released 25 billion on the collar. Surrounding world, become a fashionable topic, news eyeliner, person tracking, event decryption ... ..., including almost every moment of the planet changes.

December 17, Twitter Twitter announced the top ten laptop battery topics, outlines the hottest events the world over the past year. Faithful in promoting the collective contribution of this map, BP (British Petroleum) Friends of the Gulf of Mexico pushed oil as the world's most concerned about the topic, it also topped the first five news trends. The late Michael Jackson singing "We are the world", but for those who destroy public interests of the zaibatsu interests, Twitter bridge the boundaries of the grassroots and the elite, to show the true nature of a new media. Speak up, Weiyantaiyi, duty-righteous spirit.

In addition another four natural and man-selected news trend: Haiti, Pakistan, floods and other natural disasters have been pushing the Friends of serious concern. Push the Friends of the different colors reflect the good people of shared values. Next question is how to translate into goodwill charity. In this regard, Natalie Portman and other Hollywood stars have risen by Twitter raising money race, etc., the Friends concerned about the push from the network has become a wave of real-life community to infiltrate the force. In addressing man-made disasters, the faithful of the Korean conflict, to push the comments reflect the different interests of different sectors of camp positions and laptop battery ideas. But for a large rescue miners in Chile, real-time follow-up reflects the cross-regional inter-racial human temperature.

Complete inventory of the five news trends, let us return to the top ten Twitter topics, in addition to BP Gulf of Mexico oil finish first, the highly anticipated World Cup in South Africa, will undoubtedly become the topic of greatest concern to push friends, whining ancestors you, octopus Paul , the list. This summer, 20 million fans will undoubtedly bring a wealth of experience and enjoy the madness. If the incident is still only do the major TV media coverage, then the shock came from the big screen two films, Nolan's "Pirates of the dream of space" and cumulative reputation of the "Harry Potter 7: Deathly Hallows." The former created the miracle of film history, it does not "Avatar" epic effects and Cuikulaxiu shocking, no sword 20 years Cameron's determination and courage, but it had to pursue the dream of a film person - When the curtain is still a land of fantasy you dreaming. British middle-aged women who carried on the myth of JK Rowling, divorced mother of whimsy with the train to complete the enlightenment of children's magic Sony VGP-BPS9 battery and Sony VGP-BPS8 battery, but also completed the transformation of the adult fairy tale.

Speaking of transformation, technology is undoubtedly the most successful Killer. It is easy to brainwash, and created one after the fashion of groups of people. Those self-proclaimed Geek of the guys are in for the iPad wedding day with Google Android, yes, this is the two camps, this is the two cultures, this is the two systems and, more importantly, this is both concept. Jobs laptop battery, still go its own way of innovation, Brin and Page were pulled Photo Sharing large network. Push the two paths countless fans friends, and their confrontation, so the planet to witness what is smart.

Past, a smash hit Twitter people are surprised to have top 5 list, in which gifted children in Canada on YouTube Justin Bieber invincible its imitation, created a network of 13-year-old myth. Thus increasing the entertainment the youngest king, even behind his push to become a youth friendly example. Sometimes, you have to admit the Internet to attract the young at heart forever. Also in there is mine entertainment troublemaking mother Lady Gaga, although domestic such as Shang Wenjie and his ilk would like the sword easy road. The mother's line, but mine is too weird too out of place, and be able to wear 20 pounds of fresh pork to the Grammy stage, how many stylists will see ecstasy? Faithful in your life Tietu push, but also created a legend can not be copied.

The power of women to see her in the hands of the token, taking over from former Brazilian President Lula heiress, proving once again that faithful implementation of the HTS power of curiosity. Will host a 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games , the country's leaders will be about her second decade of the 21st century, the two events. Friends of how could I forget to push?

In the "Time" magazine poll, lost to Zhu less Bangzhu Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, but push the Friends of the eyes WikiLeaks make the network become a distribution center for the truth, just from the perspective of improving the right to know, Asan Church more in line to the United States of the world. Who does not deny the bunker hiding in Sweden, the United States exposed to the world tell your Limo Mo Australians, all journalists should respect. Perhaps the liberal press stand, not the textbook example, but his presence is still to push the friendly one step closer from the truth. This is the power of the network, who did not forget ... ...

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